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Showing posts from August, 2019

Review of The Girl with the Silver Eyes

Review of The Girl with the Silver Eyes This book is totally added in my favourites. The main character Katie is just awesome, she has telekinesis which is really cool. But she is different than other children. Why? Because she has silver eyes. Katie is one of the children who likes being a normal child and does not like being called ‘something out of the box’. She takes revenge on people she does not like and helps those she likes. Soon, Katie discovers children like her and comes to know the secret of her powers. I really like this book because it is so old and still it sounds as if it is just recently published. Today’s generation might not think that it’s too great, now that we’ve got DC and Avengers all over the world but if you read it, it will come to your mind that it is very different from ‘superheroes’. Another great thing I like about this book is that how Katie yearns to find out about children like her and how she is always wanting people to call her ’normal’. Writt

Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind  Melody brooks is a brilliant child but has one disability. With having a photographic memory and a street-smart mind she unfortunately has cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a disease in which the patient cannot move his/her muscles and cannot even speak.  Just by this disastrous malady, melody has a hard time to achieve her goals. But strong-minded she keeps going on and has ups-and-downs in life.  The most important occasion in her life is a quiz competition in which she is able to show the world that even disabled children can do great things in life. This is a liked book amongst many because they learn to not tease others who are deficient in other fields, but to encourage them.  This is a truly inspiring story and a little emotional. But I assure you it is not one of pathetic novels.  The author Sharon Draper is inspired by her daughter, Wendy who too has cerebral palsy. I recommend this novel for 10+, as most children below 10 will not understand mos

Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables “Matthew Cuthbert, who’s that?” ”Where is the boy?” “There wasn’t any boy, there was only her .” While Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert are waiting for the arrival of a boy orphan they are taken by surprise by the arrival of Anne Shirley, a girl. Amused by Anne, Matthew takes a liking to her and does not want to return her to the orphan asylum. Marilla also does not want to give her away so they finally have to keep her and Anne has a new home. But Anne is very peculiar in many ways. Will she fit in Avonlea? Nobody knows. I look on this book with favor because it is humorous in every way. I encourage you to read this book as it is very delightful and is appropriate for almost all ages. The most fun part is Anne’s mistakes, she does something mistakenly and later on hers and Marilla’s reaction is very fun to read. This book is also very good for children who want to improve their vocabulary as Anne is peculiar in the way of using too big and compli

Review of Book - Pygmalion

The word pygmalion effect means that people are influenced by the expectations built on them. In simpler words, it means that people are dependent and have complete faith on what others say. A word opposite to pygmalion effect is galatea effect, which means that people are independent and care on what they themselves think or feel.These meanings have great significance in the book which we come to know later as we read on. ‘Pygmalion’ this book is about a cockney flower girl who is very poor in the field of phonetics. Her dream is to become a lady in a flower shop but to achieve that goal her pronunciation needs improving. Though she was poor, Eliza (the flower girl) goes to the famous phonetics professor, Higgins to improve her weakness. As the story continues, Higgins and Pickering not only pass her as a duchess but also some people believe that she is a princess. In the middle of the book professor higgins started to like and admire Eliza and the story starts to turn amu

Room No. 546

Room No. 546 Once a businessman was on a business trip to sell a valuable and precious vase to a manager. The manager lived in the city but the businessman lived in a village so, the businessman had to live in a hotel at the city. After checking at the hotel he settled in and had dinner. When his stomach was full he went back to his room. While passing his room he heard queer sounds coming from room 546. The room’s door had been plastered with signs such as ‘DANGER’ and ‘DO NOT ENTER’. Even though he was curious he passed it unnoticed. The next evening the businessman loitered around the hotel and once more fond himself on the fifth floor, fourth corridor and in front of room 546. This time he could hear singing from the room. This time time not able to bear the suspense he peeped inside the keyhole of the room. To his amazement, he saw a girl who looked no older than twelve was facing her back to him. Her long, black, flyaway hair was tied into a ponytail and she was wea